Classic windows games download
Classic windows games download

classic windows games download

Could you have been outside chasing butterflies? Probably, but then you never would have seen the fireworks that go off when you beat a game of FreeCell in less than 10 minutes. If you don’t think that’s true, think back to the countless games of Solitaire you played and try to convince anyone you didn’t love it. They all had a simple conceit, but never lost their luster. Maybe this is rose-tinted hindsight speaking, but there was something pure about '90s Microsoft games.

classic windows games download

But which were the best Microsoft Windows games? You’re going to help answer that question in this ranking of all the old Microsoft games. There were puzzle games, pinball, and even classic card games for those of us who enjoyed an old school sensibility with the added class of not having to touch a filthy stack of cards. Microsoft was very cool about including different types of games for all types of players. There on the right side we can find the Download Options section. To download this package we have to access its website. It’s safe to say most of us grew up using a computer that ran some version of Microsoft’s classic home PC software, and because you probably weren’t a child accountant, you likely spent your time playing the games that came with Windows. It is a compilation of classic Windows games that we can run on Windows 10 both 32-bit and 64-bit.

Classic windows games download